Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Exit from Eczema

Now that winter is fast approaching I have been trying to find natural remedies to help soothe my 7 month old's eczema. Something that he has had since birth and I am being told will begin to subside as he gets older can be a pain especially in the Winter season. So I did what any chic loving mother would do, I hit the net!
Googling, blogging, and researching I found an article on where a mother went through all the things that could affect your child's eczema and cause it to flare up. Things that my well equipped pediatrician neglected to mention! So I am saving other mothers the trouble and you can get the info you need right here! Remember a few important key things, children with eczema should wear cotton (as opposed to wool, or itchy scratchy material), vaseline is always a good moisturizer to help lock in moisture, watch what your baby eats once they begin to eat solids some foods may flare up skin, and if you are like myself and give your child a bath twice a day in the evening put a little olive oil in their bath, it will help so the water is not so harsh. As always I would say consult your physician, but these are a few things I have found that have helped.
I know that when we think of our babies we think of soft, smooth skin, so let's help keep it this way!

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